
Yellow Time– Connecting to Books

“It only comes once a year. And when it is over, piles of yellow pool in gutters, decorate sidewalks, blanket fences, steps, roofs, even an empty birdbath.”

“Squirrels, still busy, bundle final touches of yellow to their high leafy nest, while children below gather bouquets of yellow…to press in thick books to remember…what a lovely yellow time it was.”

Lauren Stringer, from one of our very favorite fall books, Yellow Time

Every time we see an abundance of yellow leaves we think of one of our very favorite fall books, Yellow Time. It is a vibrant and lyrical celebration of the leaves changing and the earth preparing for winter.

On Saturday we spent all morning in the leaves, soaking up the beauty of Yellow Time. The experience was a gift for our eyes and our hearts! Isla spent quite a bit of time searching for the perfect yellow leaves to collect. After selecting a handful, she came up to me, eyes sparkling as they always do when she has an idea. “Can we press these in a book? Just like they do in the story?” I told her what a great self-text connection she had made, and suggested we press them in the back of Yellow Time. She agreed and ran excitedly for her book as soon as we got home.

First she recited the story to Charlie. Then she carefully laid out her very favorite yellow leaves in the back of the book. We decided that after they pressed for a few days she could choose one to label and tape into the back of the book. We plan to continue this tradition every year so that we can look at the leaves whenever we read the story and remember how wonderful our yellow times have been.

See more of our favorite fall books for children HERE!

We love finding simple ways to connect to the books we read. Mimicking activities in the story, such as pressing leaves, is such a wonderful way to grow young readers’ understanding and interest in literature.

What are your favorite ways to connect with the stories your family reads? Please share in the comments!

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