
Fall Scavenger Hunt!

This weekend was what fall dreams are made of: crisp cool air, bright blue skies, colorful trees, and countless leaf piles that were just perfect for jumping! We took THREE long walks through our neighborhood in the past two days, and each time we returned home feeling refreshed, happy, and more connected.

With another brilliant week of fall weather predicted, it is the perfect time to get outside as a family and take a walk! And if you need any further encouragement, we present to you our Fall Scavenger Hunt!!! You can download it for free download at the bottom of this post!

Working together to find all of the items is great fun in itself, but we also have a few simple ideas for expanding upon your fall scavenger hunt:

Take photos of each item found and make a collage. This is a great way to keep all your memories in one place, and perfect for the family year book!

Take a collection photo of your scavenger hunt items. Did you know we do this with all of Isla’s collections? These photos allow us to remember all of the treasures she finds without having to bring them home! So good, right?! (You parents with collector kids know what I’m talking about!) You can see our favorite collection photos on our Instagram account and under the hashtag #islacollectsthings. We also have favorite collection photos available as gorgeous cards in our Etsy shop!

Use your scavenger hunt items to make a craft! Fall wreaths, collages, and crowns are just a few ideas! You can find our instructions for easy fall leaf wreaths in Isla’s Collection Birthday Party post.

We were excited to find everything on our scavenger hunt list, though a few took some dedicating searching to find an acorn– our neighborhood squirrels have been busy storing them away! We also think Isla may have had as much fun being the official “box checker” as she did looking for the scavenger hunt items!

We hope you enjoy our fall scavenger hunt and that it encourages your family to get outside and spend some quality time together this season!