
Deck the Halls

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We kicked off our Christmas celebrations on Thanksgiving night by opening our new holiday jammies. I absolutely LOVE this tradition (2013, 2012, 2011) and have so much fun thinking up different themes… I already have next year’s all planned! Isla is just beginning to get the hang of opening presents and so she helped Isaac with the unwrapping. Christmas Favorites_0002Christmas Favorites_0003And for this year’s Christmas jammies… drum roll, please….Christmas Favorites_0004Christmas Vacation!!!

You serious, Clark?Christmas Favorites_0005Given that Isla is still in diapers and cannot yet read, I couldn’t resist with this hilarious Uncle Eddie line.Christmas Favorites_0006Helping Daddy bring out the Christmas decorations! Isaac spent the entire day at a basketball tournament, while Isla and I joined friends at the Concordia Christmas Bazaar. We were all pretty worn out, so we didn’t get too far along in our decorating.Christmas Favorites_0007Christmas Favorites_0008Isla was completely captivated by the tiny ornaments and carefully carried them around all night.Christmas Favorites_0009Christmas Favorites_0010Christmas Favorites_0011Christmas Favorites_0012Christmas Favorites_0013My loves!

Christmas Favorites_0014We also gave Isla her new Christmas books and we curled up together to read them before bed time.Christmas Favorites_0015A few days later we had time to finish decorating the tree. Once again, Isla was completely captivated by all of the ornaments. She was so incredibly gentle with them and we were amazed by how well she listened to directions and left the tree alone. Such a good little elf!Christmas Favorites_0016Christmas Favorites_0017Christmas Favorites_0018Christmas Favorites_0001Christmas Favorites_0019Isaac and I spent a freezing, but fabulous evening out cruising on the Pu River for our final SCIS holiday party. It’s hard to believe that we will not be taking part in this event next year. Isaac and a few of the guys from school bought these hilarious sailor costumes on Taobao, and I decided the occasion was a great opportunity to wear the dress I had made for our first SCIS Christmas party.Christmas Favorites_0020Little fashionista!

Christmas Favorites_0021I stalked Old Navy’s website on a bi-weekly basis beginning in October, eagerly awaiting for the return of this darling hoody. I could not get enough of our little Santa Baby last year, and so to say I was excited when Isla’s new hoody arrived would be a serious understatement!Christmas Favorites_0022Christmas Favorites_0023Christmas Favorites_0024Christmas Favorites_0025Christmas Favorites_0027Christmas Favorites_0028Up next, our Christmas vacation in Oregon…