
Apple Picking and Apple Cider Floats

Apple season seemed to fly by this year, but we managed to sneak in a quick picking trip near the end of the season, and boy, was it sweet!

A little more about our Sweeter Than Apple Cider Tee.

This was our first visit to the Beilke Family Farm and we absolutely loved it. There was plenty of space for us to spread out safely to pick, and since we had several rows all to ourselves, we were even able to de-mask for a few photos. Ah, the little things we appreciate these days, right?! Many of the apples were low enough for the kids to pick by themselves… that is, when they weren’t busy sneaking bites! We left the farm with happy hearts, lovely memories, and nearly four buckets of the most delicious apples we have ever tasted!

With so many apples to enjoy, my mom and I have have been busy making apple sauce, apple butter, and apple pies– my mom even made homemade apple pie ice cream! Ah, there are so many incredible apple treats to enjoy in the fall! While we have never made it ourselves, we absolutely adore freshly pressed cider, and always pick up a few jugs in the fall. Several years ago we tasted our first apple cider float… and we fell in love! Cider floats are unbelievably delicious and super simple to make. We like to fancy ours up with a cinnamon sugar rim– and a little spiced rum for the grown ups when we are feeling festive!


  • fresh apple cider (it is worth it to splurge for the high-quality, straight from the farm cider)
  • vanilla ice cream
  • lemon
  • cinnamon sugar
  • spiced rum (optional)

Run a lemon wedge along the rim of your glass and dip the glass into cinnamon sugar. Add a few scoops of vanilla ice cream and top with apple cider. If you adults out there would like to turn your treat into a cocktail, a shot of spiced rum is a tasty addition. So easy and so delicious!!!

Also, Isla will tell you that sneaky apple cider floats while your little brother is napping taste the sweetest. Love special moments like this with my girl! She is, indeed, sweeter than apple cider. And apple cider floats. That is saying a lot!