
Halloween 2019

This Halloween was one for the books! We enjoyed the most gorgeous autumn evening with great friends, our sweet little bats cheerfully greeted everyone and said “thank you” WITHOUT reminders, our neighborhood was decked to the nines, and we were home with our feet up, enjoying pizza and drinks by 7:30pm! As wonderful as all of that was, the very best part of this Halloween was our kids’ excitement! Isla has always shared our love for anything holiday-related, so she has relished every Halloween book, craft, and decoration she’s encountered this season. This was the first year that Cole has gotten into the spirit. He understood the concept of trick-or-treating and was absolutely giddy! “I wear my costume! I a baby bat! Let’s go trick-or-treating! Yay! Get candy! I ‘cited!”

Isla decided months ago she wanted to be a bat– a realistic bat. Since Cole loves to mimic his big sister, we decided he could be a bat too, and he was absolutely ecstatic. We actually got an early start on our DIY costumes this year, but then life took over and I was literally finishing the wings at the last minute (read: I gave up on trying to make them perfect and used hot glue and safety pins!) Like in years past, Grauntie helped me sew the body suits and hats (thank you, Grauntie!) and I was in charge of ears, wings, and bringing everything together. The creative visionary in me wished I’d had more time to perfect the wings, but honestly, letting go and just enjoying the evening was SO worth it! Plus, the kids LOVED the costumes!!! They didn’t care one bit that I didn’t cut the wings at a wide enough angle and had to attach them with safety pins. He and Isla, both fully committed to character, flapped their wings with gusto and even made high-pitched echolocation sounds as they “flew” up and down the street. These kiddos are too fun!

Even Charlie got into the Halloween spirit! Once I discovered these kitten bat wings I knew we had to have them. Ha! Isla was thrilled to match with her baby for Halloween, and Charlie actually loved running around in the wings. A holiday-loving cat?! He was so meant to be ours!

Isla did all her jack-o-lantern carving and seed-scooping by herself this year! Our little pumpkin was so proud!

We have loved trick-or-treating with Madelyn and her family every year since the girls were two! Grauntie and Gruncle joined us as well, and Cole was pretty much glued to Gruncle the entire night– especially when spooky things, like Frankenstein, startled him.

“Hi Jack-O-Yantern. I yuv you.”

The sunset on Halloween was absolutely stunning, first casting a dreamy pink light over everyone before fading into a soft orange glow.

“So scary that bear!”

“Cole, it’s a werewolf.”

“No, dat’s a bear. Dat’s a so scary bear.”

Of course Isla stopped to snuggle the skeleton dog!

We are so grateful to our neighbors for putting so much time and creativity into decorating their homes for Halloween. Their efforts make for such a magical experience for us all!

Goodbye ’til next year, Halloween!

Halloween memories and costumes from year’s past can be found through the links below:

Halloween 2018 | Halloween 2017 | Halloween 2016 | Halloween 2015 | Halloween 2014