
Favorite Summer Books For Kids

We just discovered that today is National Book Lover’s Day! How fun is that?! Being a family who definitely LOVES books, we thought we would share some of our very favorite summer picture books!

Honey. Our absolute FAVORITE new book! A charming story about the sweetest bear experiencing summer as he patiently waits for his favorite sweet treat. Cole is crazy about the book and Cole loves to recite the honey descriptors along with us as we read– “spicy, sweet, aromatic…”– it is just the cutest! (Leaves features the same bear during his first fall and we also adore this story!)

Jabari Jumps. The story of a young boy who works to overcome his fear of jumping off the diving board thanks to his father’s tender reassurance and his own bravery. One of Isla’s very favorite stories!

Stories from Bug Garden. Perhaps the most endearing collection of whimsical stories that we have on our bookshelves! Each little bug’s personality is unique and captivating, and the illustrations are beyond darling. This is a frequently enjoyed book all spring and summer in our household and Isla has memorized the vast majority of it, word for word!

And Then Comes Summer. When poetry and childhood nostalgia come together to create a story this is what you get. Absolutely lovely– I swear I can smell the hear the thrum of a lawn mower and feel the sun on my shoulders whenever I read this book!

Pairs! In the Water. This lift-the-flap matching book is filled with the sweetest illustrations and darling poems about each underwater animal and their habitat. In addition to the matching the animals under flaps, readers are encouraged to identify the odd one out, and find a certain number of additional creatures within each illustration. Pairs! In the Garden is another favorite of ours as well. We love these books and frequently check on Amazon to see if any new titles in this series have been released!

Let it Shine. This is one of a 4-book series that highlights the magic and excitement of each season. Each book follows the same rhyming pattern. We have all four books and love them all!

The Bear Ate Your Sandwich. The cutest book ever. Period.

We have started a new Pinterest account where you can see more of our Favorite Summer Books for Kids! Come and follow along with us!