
Family Art Project: Daffodils 4 Ways

Nana Sandy’s birthday was this week, and being that it is springtime and she loves yellow, we decided that we would all make her some daffodil cards!

Cheerful daffodils are popping up all over the hillside where our cottage sits. Isaac and Cole went on a little walk to collect a few (along with some ferns, sticks, and pine cones) and created a beautiful arrangement. We sat the bouquet on our table and used it for reference while we made our cards. Each person chose their own preferred mediums and methods. Cole and Isla created with ink pen and watercolor, Isaac made a pencil sketch, and I constructed a collage from sheets of paper I had painted with acrylics. It was so much fun to use the same source of inspiration to create our own separate projects. I’m already trying to think up another family art project to do together. What should we create next?