
Category Archives: Birthday Parties

Charlie Turns 1! Yep, We Threw Our Cat a Birthday Party!

Charlie turned one yesterday, so we had a little celebration. He was not a fan of his party hat. Isla first began asking if we could throw Charlie a birthday party MONTHS ago. She is so my child. We had the best time dreaming up ideas and creating some simple, crafty party details together. The...

Cars, Trains, and Planes– Hooray! Cole’s 2nd Birthday Party!

Our sweet Coley Boley turned TWO this weekend! Really now, where does the time go?! We had the most wonderful day celebrating our favorite little bubba with a party that was inspired by his favorite things– vehicles! Cars, trains, planes, and construction vehicles were woven throughout all of the decor and even the food! We’re...

Cinco De Isla!

I am SO excited to share details from Isla’s 5th birthday party! Isla and I came up with the theme, “Cinco De Isla” over a year ago, shortly after she started attending a Spanish immersion pre-school. Since then, we’ve spent so many happy hours snuggled up together, dreaming up ideas, talking about tacos, and pouring...