
Category Archives: China

Portrait a Week: 17 of 52

Baby Girl’s hair is long enough for real pig tails now! She also decided that the best outfit for snacking on cheerios was a diaper, her kitty backpack, and a panda sticker on her forehead. Naturally.

A Year and a Half

Dear Isla, You turned a year and a half on Friday, April 17. You were so smiley and filled with spunk the moment you awoke the next day. This is usually how you wake up, but you were extra sparkly this morning. Your joyful attitude helped take the sting out of your 5:30 am wake...

Easter 2015

Easter 2015 will forever be known as, “the Easter that Mom brought an entire sprial-cut ham to Shanghai in her suitcase.” For real. She also brought Gruyere cheese and leeks. Love my mama! Easter morning was dark and drizzly, but that did not damper our spirits. The Easter Bunny was busy this year and had...