
Isla’s 1 month Check Up

Isla had her 1 month check up today and our little pumpkin has been growing like crazy! She now weighs 4.45 kg (9.8lbs) and is 56.5 cm long (22.2 inches). It’s amazing to think that in just one month she has gained well over 2 lbs and grown more than 2 inches! She’s measuring in the 50th percentile for weight and around the 85th percentile for height. However, I’m not sure if that is an international scale or only Chinese averages.

Isla was an absolute champ for her examination, and the doctor said her ability to lock focus on objects and attempts to communicate verbally are on level with the average 6-8 week old! Needless to say, Mommy and Daddy can’t help but feel a little proud of her accomplishments already! Other than her occasional weepy left eye (due to a blocked tear duct) and a small umbilical hernia that should resolve itself in the next few months, everything was perfect!



At the end of her appointment, Isla had her first vaccine. I’m pretty sure watching my tiny baby girl get jabbed in her sweet squishy thigh, and then cry her little eyes out, hurt me far worse than it hurt her. She calmed down within moments of me scooping her up, which helped my heart immensely. I’ve spent just about every moment since with her snuggled into my chest, and I can’t help but think of the inevitable pains that she will experience throughout her life… especially those pains that I cannot fix. I have been told that not being able to protect your child from pain is perhaps the greatest challenge of parenthood. My mom often said that watching me hurt was more painful to her than it was to me… I am beginning to understand exactly what she meant. On the flip side, I have already felt so much happiness in this first month of motherhood, and I cannot wait for all of the beautiful, wonderful, and uplifting moments Isla will experience in her life. I am praying the joys will far outweigh any pains, and know that regardless of what comes her way, I am honored to be there for her.