
Back in Shanghai

It’s hard to believe we have begun our FOURTH year in Shanghai… how is that even possible?! Each year we find it easier and easier to adjust back to life in China, and I can say, without a doubt, that this has been the easiest transition yet. Isla is such an amazing traveler, and other than a little extra afternoon napping, made the timezone jump without any major jet lag.

140805Isla_0001Isaac received the gift of art for his birthday this past year, and a few weeks after returning to Shanghai he got his first tattoo. ATao, from Shanghai Tattoo, did a fabulous job with all of the detailed line work. 140816IsaacTattoo_0001140816IsaacTattoo_0002140816IsaacTattoo_0003140816IsaacTattoo_0004140816IsaacTattoo_0005140816IsaacTattoo_0006140816IsaacTattoo_0007140816IsaacTattoo_0008140816IsaacTattoo_0009140816IsaacTattoo_0010Our friends, Mark and Rachelle, came along as part of the cheering section.

140816IsaacTattoo_0011140816IsaacTattoo_0012140816IsaacTattoo_0013140816IsaacTattoo_0014140816IsaacTattoo_0015140816IsaacTattoo_0016140816IsaacTattoo_0017Of course Isla was there to cheer Daddy on too.

140816IsaacTattoo_0018140816IsaacTattoo_0019140816IsaacTattoo_0020140816IsaacTattoo_0021140830Isla&Lucas_0001Isla quickly adapted to her weekend skype routine. She gets so excited the minute she hears the program opening, and instantly starts to wave at the screen. Nana J has enjoyed entertaining Isla with her favorite Sesame Street guitar during their chats.140830Isla&Lucas_0002140830Isla&Lucas_0003We’ve had so much fun playing with Uncle Cal, Auntie Sherry and Lucas!


140830Isla&Lucas_0008140831IslaOSUgame_0001Football season is upon us and our little Beaver Believer has been dressed in orange and black and ready to cheer for OSU!

140831IslaOSUgame_0002140831IslaOSUgame_0003140831IslaOSUgame_0004140831IslaOSUgame_0005Most games come on just as we’re waking up, so we’ve been moving Isla’s high-chair out into the living room so that she can eat her breakfast and cheer on her beavs at the same time.140831IslaOSUgame_0006140831IslaOSUgame_0007140831IslaOSUgame_0008140831IslaOSUgame_0009140831IslaOSUgame_0010We had a fair amount of rain in August, but September was very mild and we enjoyed many walks around our neighborhood.


140831IslaOSUgame_0015140831IslaOSUgame_0016140831IslaOSUgame_0017I love how Isla is so alert when we walk. She leans forward in her stroller, gripping the little tray so she can see everything going on around her.

140831IslaOSUgame_0018Isla is finally big enough to begin enjoying the little park near our house.

140831IslaOSUgame_0020She absolutely LOVES the slide!

140831IslaOSUgame_0021140831IslaOSUgame_0022140831IslaOSUgame_0023Playing peek-a-boo through the little windows in the tunnel with Daddy is another of her favorite park activities.

140831IslaOSUgame_0024A little cross-fitter in the making. Isla blew us away with her ability to hang from the bar all by herself!

140831IslaOSUgame_0025140831Isla_0001Eating with chopsticks has become one of Isla’s favorite ways to consume dinner.

140901Isla_0001More park fun!

140901Isla_0002140901Isla_0003140901Isla_0004140907Isla_0001140907Isla_0002OOOOOO…SSSSSS…UUUUU… Oregon State! Fight! Fight! Fight!

140907Isla_0003Enjoying our final summer-like days swimming with our friends, Dan, Katie and Ellie.


140908Isla_0001Isla and Mei Mei (little sister), her doll from her ayi, Sue.

140908Isla_0002140908Isla_0003Peek-a-boo!140908Isla_0004140908Isla_0005It seems like every single day Isla is learning or doing something new. She is constantly growing, changing and becoming more independent. I cannot believe our little girl is nearly one!140908Isla_0006140908Isla_0007Success!

140920Isla_0001Isla loves eating blueberries and scrambled eggs for breakfast.

140920Isla_0002140920Isla_0003140920Isla_0004She also loves washing her hands after she eats. We say to her, “Isla xǐshǒu,” (Mandarin for “Isla wash hands”) and she just lights up! After we turn off the tap she giggles and shakes her hands over the sink to start drying them off. We love these little routines with our sweet girl!

140920Isla_0005Weekend naps usually take place in her stroller. She tries to put her leg up on the table like that when she eats too!

140920Isla_0006140920Isla_0007140920Isla_0008140920Isla_0009140920Isla_0010Isla is becoming increasingly curious about our phones and it is getting a little trickier to keep them away from her. If she gets her hands on them, she holds them up to hear ear… such an observant little pumpkin!140920Isla_0011Islabear_0001Isla had so much fun playing with all the little kiddos and dressing up at Lucas’ 2nd birthday. We are so in love with our baby bear. These pictures just melt my heart!!!

140908Isla_0008Isla continues to love her books and we read several times every day. Our new favorite book is called Sophie’s Squash. It is seriously one of the cutest books I’ve ever seen, and perfect for fall! The story that is so charming and simply brilliant that I am both in awe and kicking myself for not thinking of it. Someday I hope we’ll be writing children’s books like this… the kind that are cozily familiar, wonderfully whimsical and cleverly quirky.  Sophie’s Squash is still a bit long for Isla most days (although she has happily sat through it on more than one occasion), but she loves looking through the pictures. And, like with all of her other books, she loves to kiss the kitty on each page. I hope she never grows out of that darling habit!