
14 Years and 8 Weeks

We’re celebrating two special milestones in the Marshall household!

Yesterday, December 11, marked 14 years since Isaac and I began dating. Yes, even though we’re married we still like to acknowledge and reminisce back to our sweet first date. It’s amazing to think that so many years have passed since that night, and I cannot begin to express how fortunate I feel to have shared them with such a loving, creative, intelligent, and thoughtful man. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world! It certainly never crossed my mind back then that we’d be celebrating our 14 years together in China with our first child… life is truly an adventure!

Last night we spent our evening at the Upper School for the Middle School Winter Concert and Art Exhibit. Beautiful paintings, clay food models, and photography from Isaac’s classes were displayed in the art gallery. It was an impressive sight!

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Isla congratulating Daddy on a successful art show and all of his great teaching skills!


Today marks Isla’s 8th week of life, and I swear she grows sweeter by the day! She celebrated this weekly milestone by sleeping for a 6 hour stretch last night- hooray!

Isla is becoming more and more vocal and has started cooing and babbling to just about everyone she meets, including the Chinese grandma fan club she acquired the other day at the mall. It seemed everywhere we turned we met another group of ladies eager to see and interact with Isla.


Also during our mall outing I came across a nursing room with a baby scale. If it is accurate, Isla is approaching 11 pounds! She is also fitting into her 3 month jammies, and I suspect will be too long for them by the time she reaches 3 months if she continues to grow at this pace.



A cute little chat Isla and I had today, with a surprise ending…